Benefits of a Psychic Phone Reading
A phone psychic reading is just as accurate as an in person psychic reading. Phone psychic readings save you time, travel and gas expense. You will get an accurate spiritual psychic reading either way. Feel free to click the link below to schedule your phone psychic reading today.
1. Relaxation
Relaxation has a great deal to do with how much information you receive in a psychic reading. When both the psychic medium and the client are relaxed, clairvoyant psychic information comes to you much easier and with more clarity. My office is not located within commuting distance. Skip the commute and receive a spiritual psychic phone reading in the comfort of your own home.
2. Psychic Information vs. Visual Information
When a psychic gives a phone psychic reading, she is seeing and hearing psychic information as well as feeling energy. Over the phone, a psychic is not reading body language or guessing information based on your responses. The psychic medium must tune into your energy. She must connect with your higher self. And she must get information directly from Psychic Energy. When you are sitting face to face with a psychic, their brain is working with the accurate psychic information as well as integrating environmental information. Our brains are wired to categorize people, places, and things, based on past experiences. When a psychic is face to face with you, their brain is naturally registering your body language and facial expression. If a psychic is not very good at separating the two, it can actually interfere somewhat with the accurate psychic information she is receiving. However, some people still prefer in-person readings. Some people are more comfortable seeing the psychic that is reading for them. I’m happy to serve you either way!