TIDYING up – physically and mentally

Like most people with a subscription to Netflix and an annoying problem with clutter, I have been watching Marie Kondo’s program called Tidying Up.

As of yet, I can’t say whether her system for tidying up is working. But I can say her system of marketing certainly is! Of course, I went out to buy the book (who am I kidding, I just went to the computer and got it on Kindle).

After skimming through the book, I couldn’t help but notice that the first step in her system relies on intuition! This step involves putting every article of clothing that you own in a large pile. Then, you pick each item up and ask yourself “does this spark joy?”.

She guarantees that your body will give you immediate feedback, and you will have your answer about what to keep and what to discard. Simple? Yes! Effective? Again, yes!

What a great way to utilize a natural ability that all of us have! Our intuition/psychic ability is constantly giving us feedback about our environment.

The body’s reaction bypasses all the discussion involved in making a decision on a simply rational basis. Then, it ‘fast forwards’ to the bottom line.

You know it’s time to let this article go! (Logic tells you that you need to keep it because it is in very good condition. And of course it is, because you never wear it. You haven’t worn it for years!)

Ms. Kondo describes in her book a certain kind of frustration that occurs that makes it possible for the intuition/psychic ability to push through into the conscious mind. The situation she talks about illustrates how hard it is for our other than conscious mind to get our attention.

Ms. Kondo goes on to describe the benefits that occur when you have cleaned up your exterior environment, your physical clutter. And that got me to thinking about ways to clear up our interior environment, our mental clutter.

Many of today’s spiritual writers talk about that internal dialogue that we all seem to have going in the background of our mind.

Eckhart Tolle says that this chatter is generated by something called the pain body.

Byron Katie says that the reason we have so much trouble letting go of the thoughts in our head is not because we are holding on to them, but because they are holding on to us.

She has come up with something she calls “The Work”. Her technique is asking yourself a series of questions about any thought that seems to keep reoccurring, or basically any thought that’s bothering you. And if you work through these questions, not only will you be able to let that thought go, you will also find some interesting insights about yourself.

I don’t have the space or time to do Eckhart Tolle or Byron Katie’s work justice. I can say that both writers are worth looking into, if either one catches your eye.

The point of all this is to let you know that there are ways to deal with mental clutter. And sometimes those ways are just as simple as Marie Kondo’s question “Does this spark joy?”.

When you find yourself dealing with any idea that starts with “I should…” or “this is wrong” the question you ask yourself is “according to who?”. Just asking this question will help us get out from under unrealistic demands that others have placed on us.

When you find yourself going over and over the same thing, ask yourself “what is it I’m trying to accomplish?”. This question will usually send your mind down a more useful path and you are more likely to find the answers you need.

Once you get in the habit of asking these questions, you will be starting the process of de-cluttering your mental world and making more room for your intuition/psychic ability to come through

In articles to come, we will look at a new way to deal with guilt.


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