Magic Recipe for Lasting Intimacy

Have you ever wondered how it is that so many couples can start out madly in love and then gradually lose interest, grow apart and get tired of each other? Its commonly believed that this is the normal progression. You’ve heard the sayings, “The honeymoon is over” and “familiarity breeds contempt.”

Lucky Couples

Have you ever wondered how some lucky couples manage fall into the perfect relationship and stay madly in love for decade after decade? In fact, they grow closer and more intimate with each passing year. You know the ones that make everyone nauseous.

Maybe these couples never had any real problems to overcome. Everything for them just always went right. Maybe their kids always did everything they wanted them to do. Maybe their careers never got in the way. Maybe they both love all of their in-laws all of the time. And maybe they never had any disagreements about money, or friends, or sex, or what to eat, or where to go, or what to watch on TV, etc.

Wrong! Every couple eventually has many combinations of almost any sort of issue you can imagine.

Is there a Magic Recipe?

Are these couples just lucky flukes or is there some magic recipe that keeps bringing them back together in spite of life’s twists and turns. Could there be a recipe that continues to strengthen their bond of intimacy decade after decade?

Yep! There is a magic recipe with some very powerful ingredients. These ingredients will work for you no matter where you are on the spectrum. Whether you want to maintain and strengthen an already beautiful relationship, or you want to revive a worn out lackluster relationship where you can’t remember what you ever liked about him in the first place.

The Ingredients

The ingredients I am about to share with you are not for everyone. If you don’t find yourself somewhere on this spectrum than this recipe is not for you. Some of these ingredients are small daily behaviors that only take a minute or two, but you have to be willing to do them or they won’t work. Others are small daily thoughts in your mind, and you have to be willing to think them every day or they wont work for you.

So, what are some of the magic ingredients that bond a couple into an ever closer and more intimate relationship, year after year? If you and your partner are both ready and willing to play along with our recipe the two of you can have a lot of fun with this. If you’re the only one playing, you may still be surprised and delighted with the results over time.

Think about it

You don’t have to say anything or do anything different. All you have to do is think about it and write it down. Let’s break this down into a week by week progression.

Week 1: Take a moment every day to stop and think. Identify something your partner does that you appreciate. It can be something very mundane, something you might have be taking for granted. It could be fixing something, cleaning something, or whatever. You can do this in your head each day, but I guarantee the results will be much more powerful if you get a notebook and write something new it every day.

Week 2: Take a moment every day to stop and think. Identify some character trait your partner possesses that you admire. Try to identify a new character trait each day and write it in your notebook.

Week 3: Take a moment every day to think of something that your partner is particularly good or skilled at, that you like. Stretch yourself, try to come up with something new each day and write it down.

Week 4: Pay attention to your partner’s body. Notice something about your partner’s body that is attractive to you. Get creative here and be specific. How would you describe this to your partner? Find something new that is attractive each day. It can be the obvious parts or it can be toes, eyes, hair, back of shoulders, or calf muscles.

So, hopefully just reading this hasn’t already pushed you over the edge. Do it. It might not be easy, but it is worth it. I guarantee that it will change how you feel in your relationship.


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