- 10:00AM to 6:30PM —– Sunday thru Thursday — US Central Time
- 10:00AM to 4:00PM — Friday & Saturday — US Central Time
Phone Readings: Please schedule your phone appointment online.
We don’t answer psychic questions through email.
Schedule online early:
It is so much faster and easier to scroll up and schedule online than trying to play phone tag or waiting until we have time to type everything out in an email.
If you have a question regarding our products, services, or scheduling or need to get in touch with us by phone or email, please contact us during normal business hours and we will try to respond as soon as we can.
We apologize in advance if we are not able to respond very fast and efficiently. Often times we are with back to back clients, in a meditation, or doing energy work.
You are important to us and we are happy to be of service to you and answer any questions you have.
Ask about cancellations:
If you need to talk to Cynthia right away. Feel free to call and ask about cancellations. Some times we can work you into the schedule right away. You may request to be placed on a waiting list in case of a cancellation.
Bill Weber & Cynthia Becker
Quality Choices
2607 Zent Drive
Vandalia, IL 62471
Telephone: 618-283-9296
Send us an email